Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Mermaid Miracles Season 2 Episode 2 "Defiant Siren"

There are many great mermaid shows other than H2O, like Mermaid Miracles. This is an episode from Mermaid Miracles with lots of special effects!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Polls Fixed

I am happy to announce that the polls have been fixed! You can now share your opinion about all of the magical mermaids!

Other Announcement:
To all mermaid lovers, go to
If you go to the link of their Mermaidens blog, you will find lots of fin fun, including a mermaid story written by me about Mermaid Ava! I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Poll Error

I am sorry to announce that blogspot is having trouble with the polls. If you vote it will not show up and neither will anyone else's votes. It will only say 0 votes and 0%. I hope that this problem is fixed soon so that you can continue to enjoy polls. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Secret Scales Season One Episode One

Here is the mermaid series I am creating. It is called Secret Scales.
Secret Scales Season One Episode On: Blood Moon Magic
Trinity McKinley and Brook Turner are two ordinary girls. . . with one extraordinary secret. They are half mermaids! When they camp at a mysterious lake they are transformed, so whenever they touch water they become mermaids.

Friday the 13th on a Full Moon

It's the full moon. . . ON FRIDAY THE 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!
 That is about as unlucky as you can get! What unlucky effects will it have on mermaids?
1. They are a mermaid for a full day.

2. They lose all of their powers.

3. They become mermaids forever.

4. They gain control over when they want to turn into a mermaid.

5. They switch bodies.
What is your scenario? Post it in the comments section below!